HOME GENERAL KNOWLEDGE GENERAL KNOWLEDG QUIZ 50+ GK Questions and Answers for Class 5 GK Questions and Answers for Class 5: Take a look at some important General Knowledge questions and answers for Class 5 that will help to build the foundation and in participating in all competitive exams conducted in school. SHIKHA GOYAL UPDATED: MAY 23, 2022 17:26 IST GK Questions and Answers for Class 5 GK Questions and Answers for Class 5 GK Questions and Answers for Class 5: General Knowledge covers all GK questions related to science, India, current affairs, world, computer, awards, literature, social studies, etc. This quiz will help to improve young students' intellect and also refine their skills. Learning and absorbing knowledge from several sources not only makes children smart but also improves their academic performance. Reading and solving this quiz will help students to be able to stand out from the crowd. Nowadays the world is getting highly competitive, so learning beyond academics too plays an important role and this becomes a necessity of the day. Explore below some interesting General Knowledge questions for class 5 students that will improve their general awareness and also enhance their academic performances. This will also help them to prepare for several school-level entrance tests and general quizzes. -ADVERTISEMENT- Solve| 50+ GK Questions and Answers for Class 10 GK Questions and Answers for Class 5 1. Name the folk dance of Andhra Pradesh? Ans. Kuchipudi, Vilasini Natyam, Andhra Natyam, etc. 2. When is International Mother Language Day celebrated? Ans. 21 February 3. Name the Father of the Indian Constitution? Ans. Dr. B. R. Ambedkar 4. Who penned the book 'Wings of Fire'? Ans. APJ Abdul Kalam and Arun Tiwari. 5. Who was the first Prime Minister of India? Ans. Jawaharlal Nehru 6. Who was the first woman Prime Minister of India? Ans. Indira Gandhi 7. Name the national bird of the United States of America? Ans. Bald Eagle 8. Name the deepest ocean in the world? PauseUnmute Fullscreen VDO.AI Ans. Pacific Ocean 9. Name the smallest bone in the human body? Ans. Stapes 10. Name the gas which is filled in balloons? Ans. Helium 11. Which two rivers merge in Devprayag to form the River Ganga? Ans. Alakananda and Bhagirathi rivers 12. Name the deepest oceanic trench on Earth? Ans. Mariana Trench 13. Aizawl is the capital of which state of India? Ans. Mizoram 14. Name the country which has no capital? Ans. Nauru 15. Name the summer capital of Jammu and Kashmir? Ans. Srinagar 16. Who is the executive head of the Union Territories? Ans. President 17. How many States and Union Territories are there in India? Ans. 28 States and 8 Union Territories 18. Which day is celebrated as Environment Day? Ans. 5 June 19. Bucharest is the capital of which country? Ans. Romania 20. Name the seven colours of the Rainbow? Ans. Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet. 21. Name a place where dead bodies are kept? Ans. Mortuary
